miumiu ポーチ,miumiu 財布 新作,ミュウミュウ クロコ ワニ革風型押し カーフ バック,ミュウミュウ シャイニーカーフ,
As one of the international luxury goods company, Chanel represents one of the most exclusive, elitist and most expensive labels in the designer handbags category. Chanel has celebrity supporters who use its exclusive handbags. We often hear the news that the Hollywood super star arried the Chanel bag. Its handbags are popular around Hollywood and famous celebrities like Denise Richards and Tori Spelling who are often shot with a Chanel bag.
Nevertheless, as a Chanel aficionado, I feel a little bit tired of its classic colors, black and white, which look too boring and common and cannot create the eye-catching effect. Especially in summer, the classic black may be incompatible with the hot weather. People always desire some colorful and brilliant handbags to match with the radiant sunshine. Maybe in view of these market demands, the House of Chanel came up with a pink large tote bag. With the same elegant appearance and classic style, the vivid color lights up the whole design.
Chanel uses high quality grained calfskin on this tote bag. In the front is a large quilted Chanel CC logo which reminds me of the elegance and grace of the pioneering French fashion designer, Coco Chanel. The diamond-type lattice of two sizes gives it a modern twist. The CC logo and the diamond-type lattice give it a modern as well as classic take that would surely bring you a new fashion height for years. While the supple and soft leather is very delicate on your skin. Besides, it also features a removable fabric pouch which is a functional and considerable design for your daily use.
The Chanel Large Tote Bag in Soft Grained Calfskin may not the most sophisticated and classy bag in Chanel 2009 spring/summer collection, but we cannot deny that it could go well for an adorable summer look. So I promise it would really not make you regret a thing.
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